0 109

Preventing Hair Breakage at Home

Dealing with hair breakage can be incredibly frustrating and discouraging. It seems like no matter what you do, those pesky broken strands just won’t go away, hindering your ability to achieve the hairstyle you desire. Hair breakage issues, including concerns about natural hair growth, hair breakage, and hair thinning in women, are among the most prevalent reasons patients seek assistance... Read more
0 182

The Transformative Impact of Scalp Massages on Hair Health

If you’re looking for healthier hair in 2024, your journey is going to begin with the roots. One of the best practices to significantly benefit the overall health of your hair is a frequent scalp massage. Throughout this article we will uncover the science behind this practice and what the impact can be for your natural hair growth. We hope... Read more
0 288

How Sleep Can Affect Your Hair Health

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our overall well-being, playing a crucial role in our physical and mental health. But did you know that the quality and duration of your sleep can significantly impact the health of your hair? In this article, we’ll explore the connection between sleep and hair health, shedding light on the importance of a good night’s... Read more
0 241

When To See A Trichologist

Are you struggling with persistent hair and scalp issues that just won’t seem to go away? If so, it may be time to consider consulting a trichologist. Trichologists are specialized professionals who can help diagnose and treat a wide range of hair and scalp problems. In this article, we’ll explore what trichology is, when it’s necessary to see a trichologist,... Read more
0 311

Hair Breakage vs. Hair Loss: Unraveling the Differences and Solutions

Maintaining healthy and luscious hair is a goal that many individuals strive for. However, various hair-related issues can hinder the achievement of this objective. Two common concerns that people often confuse are hair breakage and hair loss. While both can lead to hair thinning and loss of volume, they are distinct issues with different underlying causes. In this article, we... Read more
0 871

How to Spot Signs of Damaged Hair

Understanding the common signs of damaged hair is extremely valuable.I t’s equally vital that you have an idea of your hair’s current state. Not to mention the influence and impact that your personal hair-care routine has. Consider the following signs of damage before applying hair treatment, dye, or style. Split Ends. Look for small, broken, or uneven strands at the... Read more
0 833

Hair Tips and Tricks for Women Athletes

Whether you frequently participate in competitive sports or follow a personalized exercise regimen, physical activity can miraculously improve overall well-being and life satisfaction. Physical exercise lends a variety of benefits, which often involve healthy radiant skin, increased mental sharpness, reduced risk of disease, and reduced levels of anxiety, all while helping you slim down into that pair of jeans you... Read more
0 992

How to Deal with Hair Breakage

One of the most common and unwelcoming side effects of coloring hair is breakage. If you’ve dyed your hair before, you know that the chemicals inside bleach and hair dye are extremely strong and can dry out your hair very quickly. Dry hair is weak and susceptible to breakage, which usually occurs midway down the hair shaft or close to... Read more
0 1275

Six Shocking Reasons for Hair Loss and How to Find Treatment

The older we get, the more hair loss seems to be an inevitable part of life. No matter your age, though, there are solutions to your hair loss. There are many solutions to your situation, whether it be extensions, wigs, or something else entirely. There are six primary reasons you may be losing your hair, and this may help you... Read more
0 1456

Female Hair Loss Regrowth in Frisco, TX and Why You Need It

If you’re noticing that your hair is getting thinner, there could be any number of issues happening. Hair loss in women is caused by anything from vitamin deficiency to chemo. It’s likely that your specific problem lies somewhere in between. Protein deficiency, thyroid disease and even anemia can cause hair loss in women. Certain medications, stress and some diets can cause hair loss as well.  The specific reason... Read more