what is hair detox?

The idea of a scalp detox is a rising trend these days with many products claiming to detox the scalp and people talking about how amazing it’s been for their hair. But what is a hair or scalp detox? Do you need one? Parker Trichology wants to answer all of your questions about scalp detoxes, so we’re going to talk about what a scalp detox is and whether you need one or not. 

What Is It?

A scalp or hair detox is where you deeply cleanse your scalp and rebalance the pH of your skin to create a better foundation for your hair to grow. Since your hair grows from your scalp, you want to give it the best foundation to flourish from. The process of a scalp detox includes using treatments to strip your hair of leftover products, pollution, hard water, oils, and dead skin cells by exfoliating the skin on your scalp. This unclogs your hair follicles thereby creating a better environment for your hair to grow. 

Do I Need a Hair Detox?

If you’ve noticed buildup in your hair such as flaking or maybe your scalp is itching more than usual, then a deeper cleanse such as a scalp detox might be in order for you. Another reason you might need a scalp detox is if your hair has started to feel waxy or isn’t responding to your normal hair routine. However, speaking to a professional like those at Parker Trichology is a good option if you’re debating a scalp detox. We can help you determine what kind of treatments to use for your hair and your condition. 

How Often Should I Detox?

The frequency of a scalp detox varies for everyone. However, a good baseline to start with is once every four to six weeks. If you still notice itching or flaking in between washes and detoxes, try moving to once a month. Everyone’s hair is different, so what works for you might not for someone else and vice versa. Our experts can help you determine the best detox schedule for you, so contact us for more information. 

Whether you’re looking for a scalp detox, special treatment, or hair loss treatments, Parker Trichology is here for you. Our professionals are experienced in many ways, and we know how important hair can be to a person. We want to be sensitive to your situation and help you find the best solution for you and your hair, so contact our office today! One of our professionals can sit down with you to discuss your condition and what will give you the best results, so call us today at (214) 307-6200.