Pregnancy is one of the most significant changes a woman’s body can experience. Along with an expanding stomach, pregnancy creates both positive and negative changes in a mother’s body. Unfortunately, not all of the differences disappear when the baby comes. In fact, some new changes can make an appearance post-partum.

Skin discoloration, incontinence and varicose veins are some of the most common unwelcomed guests that show up after having a baby. But perhaps the most disliked change is hair loss. Many women start to notice their hair is thinning or falling out a few weeks postpartum. And although moms usually find this change shocking, the good news is, it’s perfectly normal.

Why the Fallout?

About 85 to 95 percent of the hair on a person’s head is growing. The leftovers are in a “resting” stage. After the resting stage, the hair falls out, typically to the tune of 100 strands per day.  When pregnant, the increase of estrogen prolongs the growing phase, so far less hair falls out. The result is thick hair that looks luscious and full.

After a woman gives birth, however, her hormone levels return to normal, and the follicles that didn’t fall out begin to. This shedding process typically only lasts a few months and is often resolved by the baby’s first birthday.

What You Can Do

Since the hair loss is only temporary, you don’t necessarily have to seek any female hair loss treatment. You can, however, use a few tricks of the trade to disguise your thinning hair.

Short haircuts add oomph to flat and thin hair and are often more manageable for mothers with newborns. Adding bangs can also hide thinning hair or regrowth at the hairline. Layers both around the face and throughout the hair can add volume and disguise thinness.

Products are usually a good thing for thin strands, but you have to be careful what you use. Heavy conditioners can give you smooth locks, but it comes with a price. All that extra moisture can weigh your tresses down and can even provide your hair an oily appearance. Light conditioners are usually the best choice for thinning hair. Mousse, on the other hand, can put some oomph in those strands. Look for one that volumizes, as it can give the appearance of fullness.

If you’re struggling with thinning hair, you have options. Female hair loss treatment is available and can help you restore the confidence your thinning hair may have taken away. The Parker Trichology Centre in Carrollton, TX, may be able to help you finally achieve your hair goals. Contact us today by calling (214) 307-6200 or visiting

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