Natural hair can look effortless, but behind the scenes, it requires work. Instead of stressing, focus on these eight tips for gorgeous hair:

  1. Know what you are doing to your hair. Stay aware to help keep problems at bay.
  2. Keep your hair hydrated after you use heat products or color.
  3. Use your hair appointments. Professional help can carry you for weeks.
  4. Shop wisely. A few essential products are all you need if you spend wisely.
  5. Change up your style. The same hairstyle can be damaging, so shake it up!
  6. Use cool water. The hotter the water, the more damaging it is.
  7. Condition! Conditioning is one of the most straightforward and most important rules.
  8. If you have extensions, care for them correctly and thoughtfully.

If you have damaged hair in Carrollton, Texas, let Parker Trichology Centre help you! Learn more by calling (214) 307-6200 or visiting

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